Friday, April 30, 2010

yuyu panda

multico 5

i need to photograph them all. they're impossibly cute.

panda love

Saturday, April 17, 2010

waiting for norman bates

waiting for norman bates

i'm always so scared to break one of her joints...

Saturday, April 10, 2010


few years ago, this little fellow was the one who got me interested in baps dolls. i still don't know which tale or nursery rhyme he belongs to. (ETA: he's from the ethnic series.)

B... for Baps

i found a few other dolls. but when baps show up for sale, they're often damaged or come in incomplete sets. hardcore collectors are well aware of this. lately a few rare dolls or complete sets in beautiful condition appeared on ebay. prices hit the sky. a single tiny squirrel went for $430.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the tall girl

i've had her school A head for a couple of years. andreja did her face up last month. it is so good to see her complete. well, almost. she just needs eyelashes.

the SD16 body is a perfect fit for a head of this size. this girl is a stunner now. but she's the kind of creature who doesn't care about it, nor about taming her mane, nor about what you think. she may pay attention to how you behave and feel though.

(dress by musedoll, tights by dollmore, dollheart wig, gina rolo 16mm plum blossom glass eyes)

Monday, April 5, 2010

adaw 2009

last year i followed the a doll a week project held by bombom on flickr. it was fun, even though i had a hard (not-on-)time finishing it. i'm too busy now to do it for 2010. perhaps i should try a sort of " a doll a month".

Sunday, April 4, 2010


she started everything...

one of the very first photos that i posted on a forum (a lovely pink place).
i had no digital camera back then.